Tag Archive | Bay City, Michigan wedding

Five Years Down-Eternity to Go!

Emily and John 8We met this couple on their fifth wedding anniversary. They had rented a house on the beach to renew their vows. Just the two of them and the two of us and the waves lapping the rocks on a beautiful Memorial weekend day.

They cherished the time to reconnect and recommit leaving the world behind for just a few days. A lesson for all to step back and enjoy what God has joined together and keep your love fresh. As you can see, their renewal was a special moment for this special couple. Keep up the good work and continue to nurture your marriage and it will never let you down.

The Verdict Is In!

Samantha and KaseySamantha and Kasey 026

This couple’s journey began with a school field trip to the Lapeer County Courthouse. They chose this as the location of their wedding several years later. It is a beautiful historic building with the jury box and judge’s chamber behind the judges seat with twin winding stair cases. We can see why this lovely couple wanted to tie the knot here. “All witnesses rise” was for the bride this time instead of the judge! Our best to you both!

Dreams and Reality

Bride and Flower Girl
We just had to share this picture of the bride and flower girl . . . priceless!

En este, nuestro día de la boda (On this, our wedding day)

M and I wedding

As we love what we do and always have unique opportunities, this couple approached us requesting a wedding ceremony.  The bride spoke little English, but wanted me to perform their wedding nonetheless.  Through an interpreter, we were able to communicate each and every word of the ceremony for her to be able to understand and repeat her vows.  It was an awesome occasion and we are so grateful to be asked to be involved in joining together another man and woman in holy matrimony despite the language barrier!

Stony Creek Style

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJen and Joe at Stoney CreekWe always love our weddings at Stony Creek, but, we have our memories from each that make it extra special!  This happened to be one of the few super hot summer days in Michigan.  When we arrived, the fans were blasting in the tent and we saw the bride sitting on a stool in her shorts and t-shirt trying to stay cool before the big moment arrived.  The walk to the gazebo is a rather long one . . . but the couple had arranged for a golf cart to provide transportation to the guests who preferred not to walk.  However, the cart arrived five minutes before the ceremony was about to begin so we were amused by the driver racing down and back scurrying to get the guest in place.  The bride and her dad made the walk down the wood chip path to her waiting groom.  All were alittle steamy, but it was worth every degree!  May they find happiness and love and “warmth” throughout their marriage!

Chapels in the Spring


Apple Mountain Chapel


Almont New  Church Assembly

The last two weekend weddings involved beautiful historic chapels!  There is something quaint about Springtime and chapels and, of course, getting to ring the bell in celebration after the newlyweds have been presented as husband and wife!  We have performed weddings on several repeat occassions at various old chapels in Michigan and each one is unique!

Irish Wedding Blessing


May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

May God be with you and bless you;
May you see your children’s children.
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings,
May you know nothing but happinessthumbnail
From this day forward.

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.

May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.



♥Was Valentine’s Day  the day you became engaged?  Give us a call after that big moment to schedule your wedding ceremony!  Congratualtions to all who did!!!!!  Here are a few pictures of those who chose Valentine’s Day as their wedding day!Jesse Kelsey LWC (2)Valentine's Day (2)

Let It Snow!

Erica and Christofer Feb 2013 001 (2)At rehearsal, this lovely bride said that all she wanted for her wedding to be perfect was SNOW!  There was alittle on the ground, but not exactly what she hoped for.  Wedding day came, not a snowflake in sight . . . until she walked into the chapel to dress and prepare for the ceremony.  Almost on cue, big, beautiful snowflakes began falling slowly to the ground and continued throughout the ceremony creating the white blanket of fresh, sparkling snow . . . I think God was smiling at this humble request and decided he would grant that wish.  We pray this couple finds happiness and blessings wherever they go in their journey Erica and Christofer Feb 2013 008 (2)through life.Erica and Christofer Feb 2013 002 (2)

Sunshine, Surf and Seagulls

It was just one of those stellar days for a beach wedding. 
This couple took months to pick out the perfect ceremony location and it paid off! 
This private beach in Lexington became their dream wedding spot and the weather cooperated beautifully.  The two little flower girls proceeding the bride’s entrance was one of those moments you cherish forever. 
The aisle was paved with rose petals and the littlest one thought it was her duty to not only throw her basket petals, but started picking up and throwing the aisle petals!  Who knew?  They weren’t there at rehearsal, so she thought wherever there were petals . . . . : )